Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wet Wednesday

As it turns out, rain did not ruin my plans for exploration yesterday! Around 3, Sarah and I went into downtown Milan. Near the Duomo, in Piazza del Duomo, there's a lot of stores and sights to see. We wandered into a decadent looking chocolate store to start. The exterior had a display of flowing chocolate so it was sort of a necessity to see what they had on the inside. We didn't get anything there because we were holding out for the create-your-own Magnum bar down the street. The line is usually super long but it was the shortest I've seen it so it only took us a few minutes. I chose Biscotti pieces, salted caramels, and meringue pieces to coat my white chocolate dipped chocolate ice cream bar. It was heavenly. 
After literally scraping the box, we wandered into a book store. Originally drawn in by cookbooks, I ended up buying I, Claudius. It should be a fun read! I watched some of the tv series that stars Roman Emperors and their family dynamic with my dad a few years ago and liked it. On our way out of the store, we ran into two black toy poodles. I needed my tiny poodle fix! One even had a Mohawk, just like my dog. 
After an hour or so around the Duomo, we got on the metro and stopped at the Loretto stop. The architecture in the area was neat. It was more residential and the buildings had a lot of charm and warm colors. 
Really cool balconies 
Wednesday started with class bright and early. After lunch, Aaron and I ventured downtown. We got off at the Garibaldi stop on the metro and wandered for a bit before eventually choosing a park where we could people-watch. We were near the Duomo when the heavens opened up and rain came down in sheets. Hail followed shortly after. Luckily, we were near a covered area so we had shelter. After the flooding, we went back to the apartment. I spent about an hour teaching some English phrases to a few boys from Egypt. They've been at the apartment for a while now and were pretty eager to learn the language. I think they're here studying Italian. Dinner was similar to a couple of nights ago; eggplant, zucchini, and potatoes. We're trying to get rid of our perishable foods before we leave tomorrow for the weekend. I think we have a pretty chill evening planned. It was really hot here today but it's cooled down with the rain so the terrace could be our location for later. 
Duomo before the rain
This area is usually filled with people and pigeons 
"Daddy's Little Cutie"

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