Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Museum Day

Tuesday, as well as every day this week, was scorching! It reached 93 degrees so after our last class of the trip, Sarah and I went to a couple of museums we've been wanting to see. Our first stop was the science and industry museum. It used to be a monastery and I think it was in the late 1950s that it made its transformation into a museum. The largest in Italy, it contained over 15,000 items and had 15 areas of exhibits such as energy, chemistry, telecommunications, astronomy, metals, boats, planes, trains, and a section on Leonardo. Leonardo's area was my favorite. He has easily become my new favorite person in history. He did everything and was so advanced for his time. It's amazing. I had to write down the different areas he worked in because there's just too many. Among some are: geology, statics, anatomy, geometry, cartography, botany, art, and the list really does go on and on. If the world has had one true genius, he has to be it. I really would like to see all of his original notes on everything. They would be endless. 
This is a torpedo called 'The Pig'. In Alexandria in 1941, three of these destroyed all five  British ships in the Mediterranean. The Pig was the most famous assault unit in WWII for Italy. 
The 'Ebe'
The Last Supper. Clearly it's not the original. 
We spent three hours in that museum before making our way to the famous opera house, La Scala. I've never been one for operas but I would be in heaven if I could see one here. It was so grand and beautiful. 
We went back to the apartment around 5:30 and relaxed. By 8, we were ready for dinner so we went to a pizza place and split one that had onions and sausage on it. So delicious. I'm going to miss Italian pizza so much when I go home. We were originally sitting outside but the mosquitos were hitting us will full force so we moved inside after the waitress noticed us swatting like madmen. We got, for the first time on this trip, free bread! It was pretty exciting. After dinner, we talked with some of the people at the apartment and then watched Game of Thrones. I've never seen it before, so we started with the first one. It was scary to me at times but only because I'm afraid of everything with suspense in it. When it's not gory though,  the plot is really cool. I'm definitely going to start watching it when I get home. 

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