Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Striking Out

Yesterday, Monday, began with a trip to the market for a melon followed by class for a couple of hours. At 3, Sarah and Aaron and I set out for the science and industry museum, which supposedly has a lot of interactive Leonardo exhibits. When we arrived, we found that it was closed on Mondays. We then went to La Scala, the famous opera house in Milan. We arrived with only an hour left until it closed so we decided to hold off. After suffering setbacks twice, we went into the Renaissance shopping center and had some treats on the 7th floor and planned out Tuesday's events. On our way home from the metro, we stopped at the grocery and picked up some wine. Two bottles for a total of 5€! Sarah and I enjoyed our wine and then set out for pizza down the street. My delicious margarita pizza was only 4€! We sat outside for an hour or so enjoying life and the food. We came back to the apartment for a while and talked with some different people that live here. It was a really great evening overall. 

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