Saturday, July 20, 2013

Serene Saturday

To start my day, this was my view:
We had our free breakfast and then Sarah, Aaron, and I went on a kayaking adventure! It was so much fun. We were gone for 2 hours and stopped a couple of times to swim. We had two really good kayaks and one pathetic one. We all took turns on the pathetic one and even, at one point, devised a system with the two good ones propelling the small one. I'll put a picture up of that adventure web I get it from Aaron. After killing my shoulders, I laid on the beach for a few hours. I don't know what the pebble beaches do to me but I've passed out on them hard each of the past two days. As I was listening to the combination of the waves and Dave Matthews, I thought how truly perfect the moment was. It's such a bummer I have to leave tomorrow. At 5, six of us went out on a boat tour. As well as kayaking, this activity was paid for by our professor. The boat tour enabled us to do whatever we wanted and go wherever we pleased for two hours because we were the captains! It was so fun and a pretty time of day to go out. 
Boat tour
Richard Branson's house
Where they shot scenes from Casino Royale
George Clooney's house
My favorite view of the day 
We're having a BBQ night at the hostel! I'm pretty pumped;ribs are on the menu. The weather is perfect tonight. A few of us might venture out to a local bar later. We'll see. 

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