Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Gyro a Day

It's official- gyros are one of my new favorite foods. I've had one each day I've been in Athens. They're so tasty! Before embarking in my new meal, my group of 4 girls set out to the beach. We woke at 8 and by 8:30 were on our way. We stopped at a bakery for donuts and then went to the tram for the 30 minute ride to the beach. Olivia and I were water fiends! From the steaming sun to the roasting rocks, the beach was pretty hot so we spent most of the time floating in the Aegean. We were accompanied by many fish in the salty, clear water. We liked getting away from the masses so most of the time we were about 50-75 yards off shore. I tried swimming down to the bottom to see how deep it was buy couldn't reach it in my many efforts. I got such a great arm workout as I only needed to push up against the water with my arms to stay afloat. Laying on my back was pretty effortless, too. It was so relaxing. After probably 4 hours at the beach, we all head back to the Akropolis area for 2.20€ gyros and some people watching. We explored some side streets we were yet to see before making our way to the bus back to the airport. We're currently sitting in the gate with no one else. It should be a pretty quiet ride back to Milan! 
Athens has been one of the best places I've visited. The people were friendly, good amazing, and streets and surrounding geography beautiful. I can't wait to come back someday and explore it and more of the islands. 
Hydra from yesterday
Bathroom sign at the hostel
Our people watching spot

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