Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day of the Deals

Our last full day in Athens! We started our day by perusing through a few shops (I haven't bought anything in Greece except food and museum entrance fees) and getting breakfast at a bakery. I went with a chocolate and banana filled croissant for just 1.6€! After a little bit, Sarah and I went to the archaeological history museum. For 3€, we saw a whole bunch of statues of Greek Gods as well as various other cool artifacts. It's so crazy seeing things that originated as far back as 700BC. They have a special exhibit right now that displays items that, until 1900, were hidden in a shipwreck that dates back to the first century BC. 
Some believe this to be Paris of Troy after killing Achilles and some think its Perseus holding the head of Medusa. 
Poseidon or Zeus. It's more strongly believed to be Poseidon. 
On the way to the museum, we walked though a bit of a protest! There were loud sirens and a couple hundred people outside in the square. We talked to someone watching and he said it was over an impending decision to abolish the municipal police to cut costs. 
After the museum, we made mozied on over to a cafe. There, we got pork gyros with the standard tzatziki sauce, onions, and tomatoes on pita. It was 1.5€! 
After lunch, we were on our way home when we stopped at what looked to be a create your own ice cream shop. As it turns out, it had been open for only two weeks so they were really eager to show us what they had. We split a dessert for 3.2€ and it was sooo good. We watched them make the doughnut like treats that were then soaked in honey and sprinkled with cinnamon. While we were waiting, we were given ICE water (I haven't had ice in my water since I left the US), a churro, and cold hot chocolate. All on the house! It was so fun and delicious. We started back along the main road in Athens toward the hostel after that. I relaxed for a couple of hours and talked with the group of Australians we met last night. Around 7, our group of 6 girls went to a rooftop dinner to see the sunset. It was right next to the Akropolis and had a great view of the setting sun over the endless, white city. 

What I thought the view looked like the whole time haha. Stupid sunglasses.
Not as burnt as I thought I would be!

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