Monday, July 8, 2013

Milan on a Monday

After getting back to Milan at about 1:30 last night, I had a rather chill day. Our class went to the market that operates on Mondays. It was awesome! I got 4 bananas for 0.75€, an eggplant for .6€, 4 zucchini for .6€, tasty bread for 1€ (discounted by the vendor. Must have thought I was bella), and cantaloupe for 1.25€. The market had a ton of stuff ranging from clothing and frying pans to fresh fruit and roasted chicken all at prices lower than at the grocery. I can't wait to stock up next Monday for that week. After the market, a couple of us went to the nearby grocery for items not available at our previous stop. I got cereal (I'm obsessed with 'Fitness' cereal. It's like Special K and has some of the plain pieces covered in dark chocolate), eggs (the one item I noticed to be more expensive at the market), and packets of ready-to-cook risotto. Overall, I spent about 15€ for food for this week and some of next week. 
Class is really putting a damper on my vacation! We had it from 1-3:30 today and it took everything in me to pay attention. It doesn't help that one wall of the classroom is windows. After class, I wrote in my journal I have to keep for class and then went to a gelato shop with Sarah. We split a small cup of raspberry and yogurt flavors. They both contained no sugar or milk so I have to conclude that our treat was of the health kind! 
The owner was really nice and kept giving us samples of her favorite flavors. We tried Violet, which infused out sense of smell with the flower, dark chocolate (mom, you would have died), and the two that we ended up getting in our cup. We sat outside on the benches and wrote a little more before venturing back to the apartment. We made the best dinner. In a pan, we sautéed garlic, olive oil, potatoes, green beans, eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes. I want it again for dinner tomorrow! 
Not too much to report for my after dinner activities. A lot of the same; writing and hanging out. I did get a lot of compliments on my tan today so I'm glad my efforts in Athens worked! I talked to my dad via texting some today. Looks like my Cardinals are still killing it :) who knew the NL Central would produce two of the test teams in baseball! Not sure if the Pirates are still playing the Scrubbies but it's definitely not time yet for me to cheer for the latter, even if it does mean the Pirates remain atop the division with us. Good to see so many Cardinals on the All-Star roster! Too bad I'll be missing their leading of the NL team. 

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