Saturday, July 13, 2013


Friday was insanely awesome. We started our morning in Naples where we had the best breakfast a hostel has provided; cereal, toast, cookies, Nutella, peanut butter (haven't had it since the US), coffee, and tea. We scurried out of Naples and caught a train to Pompei. I have been wanting to see the ancient city since I can remember. I feel like it's one of those places, like the Colosseum, that you imagine what it would look like but just never think you'll see it. It was pretty surreal to be actually walking in the streets and exploring the houses. It was so much bigger than I expected! Their infrastructure was really impressive, too. For the most part, the streets all met at a 4-way intersection. We think we saw the entire city. On accident, we took a gander at the outskirts of town that wrapped back around to the side we hadn't covered yet. Getting lost worked out pretty well! My favorite part of the day there was seeing the bodies that had been rapidly covered in the ash and melting rock. The bodies have since been replaced with plaster, but the outer mold that preserved them for about 1500 years until its discovery is on display. 
After a few hours, we made our way down the coast via train to Sorrento. Our hostel is awesome! We have a pool, free breakfast, and we signed up for a boat excursion of Capri for Saturday. It includes food and drink, tour of the blue and green gratos, cliff jumping, and several hours of free time on the island. After swimming in the pool for a while, we got ready and took a bus to Positano for dinner. The ride and scenery once we arrived was incredible. It really was one of the most beautiful sites I've ever seen. We took a mountain-side road that twisted and turned the whole time along the edge of the cliff. 

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