Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Toned Tuesday

Today's title comes from my workout inspired day! After class, Sarah and I did a 'leg sculptor' workout outside. I need to get back into the workout habit! It kind of kicked my butt. After the workout, we got ready and then made lunch! I sautéed potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, and eggplant. So good :) We went into town after that for a girls shopping day. Hannah, Sarah, and I shopped until we dropped! I got some cool pieces that I'm excited about. It's really the first time I've bought clothing in Milan. Might as well take advantage of living in the fashion capital of the world. We got back around 6 and had dinner in the restaurant in the apartment. Our professor paid for our cheeseburger and fry dominated feast. It was a nice treat! After dinner, Sarah, Sara, Samantha, and I sat on a balcony and talked for a few hours. It's been so nice out in the evenings!
For my Shoemaker girls. In a bakery!
 Armani baby outfit with bowtie. Just 155€. 
Can't really see but it's Dolce & Gabbana's new line of shoes. Clearly we were 'just looking' at this store. 

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