Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pool Day

Today kept up with the baking temperatures this week! Our professor set up a trip for us to go to the public pool so I was all over that. My goal of becoming another skin color is still in effect. It was only like a 20 minute walk and it was AWESOME! We were sort of expecting a ghetto, dingy pool but it was quite the opposite. It had two really big swimming areas, one complete with a tall wall that encouraged intricate flips and dives.  I kept wishing that I was 10 again and I had my daredevil tendencies when it came to diving into the Elks pool. I used to be able to do flips, back dives, and wonderful splashing moves but I don't know where that side of me went! I stuck with the simple, keep your bottoms on leap in. There was one bit of a surprise that came along with this place, though. We had to wear swim caps. It wasn't the worst thing in the world but it sure was different. We definitely couldn't stop laughing at each other when we first sported our new looks. 
We stayed from 11 until 3 before heading back to replenish our bodies and get rid of the food we've bought. 
At 7:30, our professor took us all out for a final dinner together. Located just down the street, 'Carmen' featured a variety of the authentic dishes that will be severely missed. I ordered veal with garlic and olive oil with grilled vegetables on the side. I had a really fun time with a lot of the people around me, too. Sarah and I talked with our professor and his wife for quite a bit of it. After dinner, we went back and finished the episode of 'Game of Thrones' we had started before dinner and then got ready for our final night out in Milan. Around 11:30 or so, we set out for 'Old Fashion', an outdoor club in the park around the castle. We stayed decently late before hailing a cab home. Though I went to bed at 5 (had to watch another episode of 'Game of Thrones'), Sarah and I were up and ready to go by 10 for our final day of exploring this awesome city. 

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