Thursday, July 25, 2013

Last One

At a sharp 10 today, Sarah and I embarked on our last day of adventuring. We started by making a trip to 'The Bagel Factory' for breakfast and then strolled along one of Milan's main roads, Corso Italia. We kept with it until the Duomo popped up. It was rather shocking to arrive at such a landmark when you have no idea its coming. We went down another street until we reached the castle, where we sat in the shade for a couple of hours. Ultimate sadness came across me when we were getting on the metro as I realized I wouldn't be back here anytime soon. Milan has become such a lovely city to me that I hope to return to later. Living in a big city for the past month has made me decide that I definitely want to live in another one when I graduate, whether it be in America or overseas. 
Today is my final day on this study abroad trip, thus my last day of blogging. I hope everyone who read it enjoyed my stories! I'm leaving for Germany tonight and will be staying there for a week before heading back to the states. I could not be more excited about my upcoming week. In addition to testing out my German language skills, I'll be touring a country I have always wanted to see. I can't wait to fill everyone in on my next adventure when I get back! XO

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