Monday, June 17, 2013

Too hot

We just got in from day 2 in Roma. We were outside for like 8 hours and surprisingly I'm not burnt! We started on a double decker tour bus and saw a lot of the hot spots until we eventually got off at the Vatican. My roommate Meghan and I looked around a lot of shops off of the side streets in addition to the outside of the Vatican. We're probably going back Wednesday to see the inside. We would have gone in today but the lines were insanely long. After the Vatican, we walked as a group to the Piaza Navora and had lunch. The square was really pretty and had a couple of cool fountains. 9 of us went to lunch and there, I ate margarita pizza (best pizza ive ever had) and white wine. All for €7! After that, we walked to the Pantheon. Oh my Godddd it was so cool. It was originally built in 80BC but destroyed and not rebuilt until 125 AD. It was a massive space with I think 13 areas along the side dedicated to various people in history. Raphael's grave was there, too. I thought how funny it was of me to be so excited about Jamestown and seeing the original remains of buildings there and then coming here to walk around in a building that's 2,000 years old. After that, we walked to the Trevi Fountain. I attempted to have my first gelato experience at the same one Lizzy did in the Lizzie McGuire movie but the likelihood of her actually going to the same one is probably slim haha. I had three flavors of gelato: raspberry, cantaloupe, and mango. Pretty good! I would compare it to sorbet. After that, we got back on the bus to head back to the hostel. Thank God, too because we all have never sweat more. It was soo hot here and since we walk so much, our feet are just dying. I'm about to get ready for a prepaid dinner soon, but here are a few notes I've made of Rome so far:
The streets are tiny, a lot are cobblestone, and the traffic laws (if there are any) are not enforced. It's very chaotic with people weaving in and out of 'lanes'. The good thing about the fast driving is that they stop for people walking so it's not even that stressful. 
Everyone smokes
Dogs are an abundance
Every restaurant serves like the same thing; pizza and pasta and they're all named the same; Ristorante Pizzeria. 
They're energy savvy. In the bathroom, the light turns on only when you walk in and will turn off right after. 
My progression in learning the Italian language is slow but surely coming along. I can say all of the hello and goodbye, what's your name, please and thank you, and check please. It's funny to see the Italians laugh as I struggle to speak their language but I think they appreciate the effort. Ill leave you all with some photos. 
I think this is a government building. Massive. 
More pics of the Colosseum to come! We're taking a tour tomorrow. 
The foreground is where they would have chariot races and the background is remains. We're going to the remains tomorrow. 
Being Catholic lol
Fountain at the Piaza Navoro 

Panorama of the Pantheon
For my dad- checkout the detail!
I remember hearing about this statue during mass one time. It's the pope during WWII (forget his name). I was so excited when I saw it haha. It's such a strange pose because he was apparently 
Hiding a Jewish kid in his cloak as a Nazi was coming through the Vatican. 
My roommates and I got out waiters number at dinner last night haha

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