Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Colosseum and Forum

Today we traveled by metro to the Colosseum and Forum + Palatine. We bought a Roma Pass in advance that allows us unlimited metro use for the next 3 days and also admittance into two sites (so we used that today). The Colosseum is beyond amazing in person. We got these headsets to listen to at various locations which were really important. We were able to get super close to everything and I thought it was awesome to see a carving of one of the last senators' seat in 434. For the senators, their names were carved into their seats. I also learned that the senators would pay more for the gladiator/hunting games so they would gain popularity with the people. Another cool thing I learned is that gladiators would only fight a couple times a year. No worries, though because I took notes in my phone whenever I found something cool lol I definitely did not want to forget anything about the coolest place I've been to. After two hours at the Colosseum, we went across the way to the Forum and Paletine. A group of 9 or so of us started in the Paletine and stayed there for a couple hours. It contained gardens, baths (they had heating in the walls), houses of the emperors, and amazing views of the city and Forum below. I spent the last hour with 2 others touring the Forum. SO AWESOME. It had a big square for leisure, foundations, 3 original columns, and Julius Caesars grave with the original marker. It was such a good day that contained tons of new information and pretty views. We felt like we were on the top of the city with everything we saw. To make it the perfect day, I wish it had been cooler and that my dad could have seen it. I think its the first major historical site I've been to without him supplementing the markers with his own insight. We'll just have to come back with the whole family to see it! 
Last night was such a fun time. We went out to dinner as a group of 24 for Dr. Adler's birthday. The place we dined at was of course named Ristorante Pizzoria. We had bread, salad, a dish of out choice (I had cheese and spinach ravioli), and a decadent cake. It had Baileys in the frosting. After dessert, Super Mario (owner) brought his homemade drink. It tasted like Jäger and coke but richer lol. It was quite the shot. After dinner, we went out to an Irish pub...and drank Tequila...and met Argentian men...all while in Roma haha. I really don't know how we're all still functioning when we're so active but we're having an amazing time still!  
Metro graffiti 
The uncovered animal cages/pulley system 
Constantine's monument. Can't remember the exact title
The senators seating
From the Palatine 
Standing where the Baths were 
I love these trees
The Forum
Panorama of the Forum
It was pretty dusty at the Forum and Paletine lol. You can see the lines where my gladiator sandals were. Thought it would be fitting to wear those today. 

P.S. Claire- I can just imagine you dragging along here. It was 90 yesterday, 92 today and is going go be 97 tomorrow. We're outside from like 8-4 everyday walking several miles. Hot. Can't. Walk. Feet. Dad. 

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