Sunday, June 16, 2013

Spotted: first sexy Italian man

I've made it!! The plane landed at about 1AM Eastern US time, which is 8AM in Rome. I think I managed two hours of sleep with the help of the insanely loud 4 year olds across the row.  The ride wasn't all bad, though. In addition to a stud of a flight attendant, I sat next to this really nice lady who is actually a travel agent in Chicago. She gave me some pretty useful tips in regards to transportation once I got there. For my mother, who was inquiring about the food, I feasted on a not-so-awful chicken dish with vegetables for dinner and had a chocolate croissant and yogurt for breakfast. The view from my window seat was pretty awesome though, no doubt my favorite part. It was really weird to go from sunny to starry then back to sunny in such a relatively short period. Were getting ready to explore Rome shortly. Colosseum in a couple hours!

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