Thursday, June 27, 2013

Settling In

Milan day two has come to a close! It was a pretty fun day that included both time in the city and time spent hanging out at the apartment. We started at 10 this morning and headed into the city. It was actually a really comfortable day whether wise; even a little chilly at times. We rode a sightseeing bus that allowed us to get off and on when we wished to see the sights. Along the ride, we could listen in our headphones to facts about sights as we came across them. Our first stop was per the request of Dr. Adler. He swore by The Bagel Factory so he treated us to an early lunch there. From there, we saw a lot of the older city and got off again at the heart of the city. The older city had a couple of canals and buildings from the medieval and renaissance times. It was mentioned that Leonardo Da Vinci helped construct and revive the canal system and the process that is still used today that is raising and lowering boats within the canal. The heart of the city included the Duomo and a lot of the fashion stores. We had about an hour and a half to explore on our own and during that time, Sarah and I went into a few stores and enjoyed the sights. We came across several men dressed to the 9s (welcome to Milan) as well as a ton of clothing stores. I got a shirt at this store called Mango. We also saw a Magnum brand ice cream shop that, for €4, allows you to build your own ice cream bar. Looked delicious! After we finished, we rode the bus back to the metro and began our trek home (15 minute walk from when we get off of the metro). We stopped for drinks and food at a smaller supermarket on the way home and thank God we got out of there in a timely manner because the heavens opened up shortly after we got back to the apartment. A few of the people in our group and back literally dripping wet. For he rest of the evening, we hung out, cooked dinner, and drank a little. We ran into a girl that's been living here for four months and she gave us a list of things to do during our free time and at night. She mentioned that day tripping to Verona was fun so we may have to look into that. Another thing that id like to do while I'm here is go to a fußball game. Milan and Inter both play here on alternating Sundays so it definitely seems do-able. We're going on a tour of different party's of the city tomorrow on the same bus. 
Needle, thread, and knot symbolizes Milan's importance of fashion and industry. 
 Since its more developed, a lot of my pictures have these ugly train car cables in them 
Useful graffiti 
The Duomo. Made of granite and marble, It has 3,400 statues on it! Construction began in 1386. 
Trying on a €170 hat
Just a small sample of the men in Milan. All of the men are dressed sharply and women have such a distinct style
Duomo (church) 

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