Thursday, June 27, 2013


We're in Milan! It's definitely differing from both Florence and Rome in many ways. It's very modern and has a completely different feel to it. The buildings aren't cute and colorful but instead tall and recently built. The streets actually have order to them with lines and stoplights! This also means no more wandering in the cobblestone streets :( we arrived by train around noon and were given a few hours to get settled into our rooms. We're two to a room now, so that's nice to have more space and be able to move things out of the suitcases. From now on when we travel to different cities, we'll just be taking what we need for the few days were gone because we can leave everything else here. Traveling should be much less stressful thank God. Once we were settled in, we went as a big group to the super market. To get there, we walked like 15 minutes to the metro then a few more minutes after we got off to the super center. Inside was a grocery store (comparable to Walmart), food court, and stores with electronics, clothes, and various utensils. It was a pretty cool setup, actually. I got this new lipstick at a makeup store. Pretty excited about it. One of the weird quirks about Italian grocery shopping is in the checkout process. Instead of getting a plastic bag for free, I instead had to pay €0.10 per bag. I guess this is good for various reasons such as the environment and cutting store costs, but it was kind of annoying. At the grocery, I got bread, cereal, lotion, apples, a salad, pasta, and sauce. All for €18! Not bad I thought. After the store, we all came back and got familiar with the place. I wish it were in a more central location, but oh well! The rooms are nice and there's a big area outside with a bar, grass, and plenty of seating. Tomorrow will be the first time we don't get breakfast included with our housing. Good thing I have delish new cereal!
Last night in Florence with Sarah
The Duomo
Didn't want to leave! 
Train ride
Not even all of the fresh meat at the grocery 
Sunset from the apartment 

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